Learn about funding for your early learning program to provide supports for children with diverse needs

Licensed early leaning and child care programs are able to get funding to support children with diverse developmental needs. The Early Learning and Child Care unit provides this funding through the Supported Child Care Program.

What the funding covers

The Supported Child Care Program fund assists early learning and child care programs in providing an inclusive environment.

We may be able to provide you with funding for:

  • staff training;
  • transportation;
  • reduced staff ratios;
  • an additional supported child care educator; and
  • assistance with renovations, specialized equipment and educational materials.

The role of the Early Learning and Child Care branch

The Early Learning and Child Care branch applies a team approach to supported child care. The branch facilitates meetings involving a child’s team members, including:

  • operators of programs;
  • family members;
  • supported child care educators;
  • the Child Development Centre; and
  • other professionals, as needed. 

How to apply

Email earlylearning@yukon.ca for more information on how to apply.

Program independent review report

Early learning and child care inclusion and supported child care final report


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