2017 Campground occupancy

This engagement is now closed.

It ran from to .

Check below for where to find results.

Results at a glance

Proposal #1

Change Campground Regulations to limit the time any personal belongings may be unattended on a campsite from the current 72 hours, to 24 hours

The results of the 1,323 responses to this question were as follows:

  • Agree – 90.9 per cent
  • Disagree – 8.0 per cent
  • No opinion – 0.5 per cent
  • Left blank – 0.7 per cent

Proposal #2

To support the proposed 24 hour rule, Yukon government proposes to increase the penalty for leaving personal belongings unattended on a campsite from the current $50 penalty to a higher amount.

Part A: Do you agree with having a higher penalty?

  • Yes – 87.6 per cent
  • No – 11.2 per cent
  • Left banks – 1.2 percent

Part B: In your view, what penalty would help to stop people from leaving their personal belongings unattended on a campsite for longer than allowed?

  • $100 – 16.9 per cent
  • $150 – 14.7 per cent
  • $200 – 44.8 per cent
  • No opinion – 8.8 per cent
  • Other – 12.5 per cent
  • Left blank – 2.3 per cent
What was this engagement about? 

The Government of Yukon is proposing to change the Regulation in the Parks and Land Certainty Act to limit the time campsites may be left unoccupied, and to increase the fine for not adhering to this rule.

How will my input make a difference?

Your input has been used to change the rules around unoccupied campsites. Beginning in 2018, campers cannot leave their campsites unattended for longer than 24 hours. The penalty for not following the rules will be a $200 fine. Park officers and rangers will work diligently to monitor campgrounds, educate campers and enforce the new regulation.

We also heard that some respondents were concerned about enforcement of this new rule. Some suggested that no fine or no change in the fine be introduced. Others suggested creating a reservation system.

The public identified issues with unoccupied campsites as a key concern in the 2016 campgrounds survey. Based on public support for an increased fee, the government has decided to set a $200 fine for breaking the rules. A new reservation system would require study, time to design, and significant resources to implement. We have reached out to our colleagues in other jurisdictions and many have expressed a lot of challenges and benefits with reservation systems that would need to be considered.

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