Amending the Quartz Mining Act

This engagement is now closed.

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Where can I find results?

Download the What We Heard report

Read the news release about the deferral of the proposed amendments.

Results at a glance

There were 21 responses during this engagement process:

  • 5 from First Nations; 
  • 14 from industry representatives and operators;
  • 1 from non-governmental organizations; and
  • 1 from the public.

The Government of Yukon met with First Nations, industry representatives and interest groups to discuss the proposed amendment as requested.

We heard that First Nations who responded are concerned with our approach in developing these amendments and with the level at which First Nations were engaged in the process.

Respondents shared their thoughts on the consultation process and timing, potential for negative effects on mining industry, support for free-entry, and need for larger changes like successor resource legislation.  We also heard some support for reconciliation, and general support for the remediation of Type II mine site.

What was this engagement about? 

We are proposing an update to the Quartz Mining Act to advance reconciliation. The changes would allow First Nations to stake quartz mineral claims on specific land that is withdrawn from staking. The changes will also provide opportunities to remediate some of Yukon’s abandoned Type II mine sites. 

How will my input make a difference?

Your comments will let us know if we are on the right track, and will help us determine the best wording for the amendments to the Act.

Your feedback will also help uncover issues or viewpoints we may have missed.

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