Government of Yukon website tasks

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It ran from to .

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Results at a glance

This survey was intended to help us find out what information Yukoners need, as well as the tasks they expect to accomplish on a government website. We received replies from 137 Yukoners to the nine questions we asked. Here is what we learned:

  • The two top tasks Yukoners expect to be able to accomplish are transactional: obtain a license or permit and apply for services.
  • 69 per cent of participants answered the optional question on the survey about why it was important to them to be able to accomplish tasks online. Beyond answers like 'efficient' and 'convenient,' the two most popular reasons given were that no travel is needed and the information can be accessed when it suits the public.
  • The topics of most significant interest to Yukoners were: health and wellbeing; parks and recreation; jobs and training; recycling and waste.
  • In terms of the current website experience, participants struggled to find information and services due to poor search results, too much information, duplicate information and the lack of online services.
What was this engagement about? 

It's important that the government website works for you. This survey was intended to help us find out what information Yukoners need, as well as the tasks they expect to accomplish on a government website.

How will my input make a difference?

Based on your feedback, we will make changes to improve your experience on the Government of Yukon website.

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