Missing persons legislation

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Results at a glance

The majority of participants were supportive of developing missing persons legislation.

We heard a common concern that the legislation would need to protect an individual’s privacy.  

55 people responded to the online survey.

Percentage of people who thought that missing persons legislation would help the RCMP conduct missing persons investigations in Yukon:

  • Yes - 75 per cent
  • No - 9 per cent
  • Not sure - 16 per cent

Percentage of respondents who thought that the RCMP should be able to access the following records when trying to trace a missing person:

  • Contact or identification information - 85.5 per cent
  • Cell phone records, including call and Internet browsing history - 76 per cent
  • Global positioning system tracking records - 73 per cent
  • Inbound and outbound text messaging - 73 per cent
  • Video records (including closed-circuit surveillance video) - 75 per cent
  • Information about the missing person’s travel or accommodation - 76 per cent
  • Employment information - 69 per cent
  • Financial information - 58 per cent
  • Personal health information - 67 per cent
  • School attendance information - 62 per cent
  • None - 13 per cent

Percentage of people who thought the legislation should include a category of missing persons who are considered “persons of risk,” whose safety and welfare is of special concern:

  • Yes - 74.5 per cent
  • No - 12.7 per cent
  • Not sure - 12.7 per cent
What was this engagement about? 

The Government of Yukon tabled Bill No. 13, the Missing Persons Act, on October 3, 2017 – which will enhance the RCMP’s ability to investigate missing persons cases in the territory.

Time is of the essence when a loved one is missing. The RCMP are currently limited in their ability to investigate reports of missing persons when there is no evidence of criminal activity.

Missing persons legislation could allow the RCMP to more quickly and efficiently take on missing persons investigations. 

How will my input make a difference?

Your comments and feedback will help the Yukon government determine if missing persons legislation would be useful in Yukon. If your input shows that creating legislation is a good idea, we’ll also use the input to determine the provisions for the legislation. 

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