Mobile home pad tenancy

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Results at a glance

Public awareness of provisions for mobile home parks in the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act:

  • 69.5 per cent of respondents were not aware of specific provisions for mobile home parks in the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act;
  • 74.1 per cent were not aware that there is a Residential Tenancies Office that can offer information and services.

Moving a mobile home:

  • 5.3 per cent of respondents felt they would be able to move their mobile home to another site;
  • 65.3 per cent felt they could not;
  • 29.4 per cent did not know or said the question was ‘not applicable.’

If a mobile home park owner wanted to terminate a mobile home tenancy agreement:

  • 56.1 per cent of the respondents felt that at least a 12-month advance notice would be appropriate;
  • 9.2 per cent respondents felt a six-month advance notice was acceptable; 
  • 8.8 per cent said a one- to three-month advance notice was acceptable;
  • 26 per cent of the respondents did not know how much time should be appropriate for an advance notice to terminate tenancy.
What was this engagement about? 

The Government of Yukon is considering changes to the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act pertaining to mobile home tenancies and sought input from mobile home owners, tenants and park owners.

We wanted to know your input on two general issues: the ability of a park owner to evict mobile home owners without cause, and whether there should be controls on how the mobile home park owner can raise pad rents.

How will my input make a difference?

Mobile home pad rentals present unique challenges compared to many other types of tenancies. Your input will be used to determine whether the legislation can be improved.

The current Act governs the relationship between a mobile home owner and mobile home park owner in a manner similar to other tenancies, with the exception of certain extended notice periods. Several other jurisdictions in Canada further distinguish between these types of tenancies and in some cases have specific stand-alone legislation.

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