Forging ahead: The Yukon's continuing response to COVID-19


Forging ahead: The Yukon’s continuing response to COVID-19 guides the way forward as we adapt to living with COVID-19 risk. The Government of Yukon will continue to support Yukoners and manage the next steps following the lifting of the State of Emergency


Goal 1

Protect our vulnerable populations:

  • seniors and Elders;
  • children;
  • women;
  • health conditions;
  • precarious or insecure housing; and
  • effectiveness of vaccines.

Goal 2

Enhance Yukoners’ wellbeing:

  • social connection;
  • mental and physical health; and
  • economic vitality.

There are 6 pillars to forge ahead:

We have and will continue to ask our partners, “How can we help?”

The more people who get vaccinated, the safer the territory will be. A continued increase in vaccination opportunities will improve vaccine rates and strengthen the Yukon’s protection against COVID-19.

Targeted and timely testing will ensure that the right tests are provided to the right people in the right place at the right time.

Keeping the territory’s health and social care system prepared to respond to future cases will ensure Yukoners continue to receive high quality health care and social supports.

We will continue to work with community partners to support vulnerable populations with services they know and trust.

We will continue to urge Yukoners to observe essential practices including:

  • staying home when sick;
  • washing our hands;
  • being mindful of others’ personal space;
  • maintaining clean and well-ventilated spaces;
  • self-isolating when we are asked to; and
  • wearing a mask.


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