Construction concepts for building in Yukon

These presentations were part of a multi-unit residential building (MURB) pre-design workshop held in Whitehorse in May 2018 for Yukon First Nations.

Aboriginal sustainable design

Presented by: Christopher C. Clarke and Matthew P. J. Hickey, NWT Métis Nation Legislative Assembly
Download the presentation.

Complexity or community: An approach to Aboriginal housing

Presented by: Patrick Stewart, Patrick R. Stewart Architect
Download the presentation.

Energy performance in northern MURBs

Presented by: Christian Cianfrone, Morrison Hershfield
Download the presentation.

Moisture problems and HRVs

Presented by: Juergen Korn, Yukon Housing Corporation
Download the presentation.

Multi-generational housing. Meeting the needs of Indigenous communities

Presented by: Ouri Scott, MRAIC
Download the presentation.

Northern housing research

Presented by: Raouf Chehaiber, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Download the presentation.

Nunavut Housing Corporation 5plex MURB as a best practice in Nunavut

Presented by: Gary Wong, Nunavut Housing Corporation
Download the presentation.

Photo-voltaics in Yukon (solar)

Presented by: Sean MacKinnon, Energy Solutions Centre
Download the presentation.

Regenerative design approach: Healing through design

Presented by: Alanna Quock, MRAIC
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Teslin biomass project

Video by Blair Hogan
Watch the video.

Why and what is a MURB? Sustainable First Nations MURB pre-design workshop

Presented by: Robin Urquhart, Chet Consulting
Download the presentation.

Yukon Housing MURBs

Presented by: Juergen Korn, Yukon Housing Corporation
Download the presentation.

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