This is a joint news release between the Government of Yukon and West End Developments.
The Government of Yukon has signed an agreement to sell the Whitehorse 5th and Rogers site to West End Developments to develop the parcel for residential and commercial use.
West End Developments has a vision for development that will revitalize an area of downtown Whitehorse largely unused since the mid-1960s. The project will be renamed Kèjän + Rogers, which reflects a collective reconciliation path forward.
West End Developments is a Yukon-based company consisting of four equal partners: Ta'an Kwäch'än Council’s Da Daghay Development Corporation, Northern Vision Development LP, Kobayashi + Zedda Architects Limited and Ketza Construction Corporation.
The assembled West End Developments team was chosen for their long working relationship and history of successful private developments in the Yukon over the past 20 years. West End Developments will be working towards planning, permits and regulatory approvals with the City of Whitehorse in the coming months to begin development of the site.
The sale of this site for a nominal fee of one dollar requires the purchaser to take on the liabilities and costs associated with development, including covering the cost of mitigating slope stability, management of contaminants, removal of existing buildings and relocation of power lines. The construction of a berm is necessary to protect the site from potential future escarpment failures prior to any housing development. The site must also be developed in accordance with an existing environment risk-based restoration permit due to the prior history of ground contamination.
After many decades, Yukoners can soon expect to see infrastructure upgrades, groundwork activity and ultimately new residential and commercial development.
Working with community partners to create new housing for Yukoners is a top priority for our government because everyone deserves a place to call home. The Government of Yukon is pleased that First Nations developers and local companies will benefit from the opportunity to develop this land and that Yukoners will have more opportunities for affordable housing in Whitehorse’s downtown core. Maximizing these opportunities helps our capital city grow and supports Yukoners now and into the future.
I am excited to announce the sale of 5th and Rogers to West End Developments. This lot provides a unique opportunity for local private sector land developers to create much needed housing and to contribute to downtown South. Along with meeting housing needs, we are ensuring First Nations developers and established Yukon companies benefit from the opportunity to develop this land. I look forward to seeing this area come to life!
As a locally based group of experienced First Nation developers and builders, the West End Developments team is honoured to turn an underutilized downtown Whitehorse brownfield site into a vibrant, affordable, and accessible community. As a parcel within Ta’an Kwach’an’s traditional territory, and a team made up of companies with deep roots in the Yukon, the development group will endeavour to realize First Nation economic reconciliation, create much needed housing, and help establish a new sustainable downtown neighbourhood.
The 5th and Rogers site has the potential to accommodate large-scale residential development.
The parcel is zoned Mixed Use Commercial which supports a range of commercial and residential uses. Current maximum building height allowances range from 15 metres to 25 metres throughout the site. Development must conform to an existing risk-based restoration permit and prior to any housing development, West End Developments will implement geohazard mitigations to protect the site from potential future slope failures.
One application was submitted during the lot release in spring 2023, but it did not meet the requirements of the application criteria.
Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications
Kate Erwin
Energy Mines and Resources Communications