The Government of Yukon launches the five-year review of the Cannabis Control and Regulation Act

The Government of Yukon is pleased to announce the launch of the public engagement phase for the five-year review of the Cannabis Control and Regulation Act. This review will enable Yukoners to share their opinions, experiences and suggestions related to the Act.

The review will help the Government of Yukon understand the evolving landscape of legalization and assess how well the Act is currently meeting the needs of Yukoners.

Yukoners who are interested in participating can complete the public survey on The online survey will be open until December 1, 2023.

The Cannabis Control and Regulation Act, which came into effect on October 17, 2018, has played a pivotal role in regulating the legal cannabis market in the Yukon. The five-year review will determine whether the legislation remains responsive to the health and safety of Yukoners while ensuring continued support for the Yukon’s legal cannabis industry. 

The Cannabis Control and Regulation Act is a critical piece of legislation that has shaped the cannabis landscape of our territory. We are committed to ensuring it continues to serve the best interests of Yukoners. We look forward to hearing the thoughts and insights of Yukoners during this review process. 

– Minister responsible for the Yukon Liquor Corporation Sandy Silver 

Quick facts
  • La Loi sur le contrôle et la réglementation du cannabis a trois objectifs principaux :

    • protéger la santé et la sécurité publiques;
    • limiter l’accès des jeunes au cannabis;
    • éliminer le marché illégal du cannabis.
  • Conformément à ses dispositions, la Loi doit être examinée tous les cinq ans.

  • L’examen quinquennal donne à la population l’occasion de faire part de ses opinions sur l’encadrement du cannabis au Yukon. 

  • Toute la population du territoire peut répondre au sondage.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur 
Cabinet Communications 

James Price 
Communications, Yukon Liquor Corporation 

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