Next week, from October 8 to 14, marks Fire Prevention Week across North America.
Fire Prevention Week is an opportunity to learn about home fire safety. This year's theme is "Cooking safety starts with YOU! Pay attention to fire prevention.”
The Yukon Fire Marshal’s Office, in partnership with local municipal and volunteer fire departments, will be visiting communities and schools this fall to discuss fire safety. Fire marshals will be encouraging Yukoners to make a home fire escape plan.
Once a smoke alarm goes off, you might only have two minutes or less to safely get out of your home. You can take simple steps to keep yourself and your loved ones safe from fires at home:
- Test your smoke alarms every month, and replace them every ten years.
- Learn the sound of your smoke alarm. Make sure everyone knows that when the smoke alarm sounds, it’s time to get out and call 9-1-1.
- Make sure you have carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms installed outside all sleeping areas, and on every level of the home, including the basement. If you’re a landlord, you’re responsible for installing them in rental units.
- Make sure you have a fire extinguisher and know how to use it.
- Take the time to plan fire escape routes from your home. Make sure everyone in the home understands how to get out of the house from any room.
- Make sure your escape plan meets the needs of all residents, including those with sensory or physical disabilities. Don’t forget to include your pets!
- Pick a safe meeting place for all residents to meet outside the house.
- Once outside, do not go back in!
- Practice your escape plan regularly.
For more information, visit the Government of Yukon Fire Prevention Week web page.
This fall, the Fire Marshal’s Office and partners in municipal and volunteer fire departments will be visiting schools and talking about fire safety and distributing activity packs for households and families. These initiatives protect our lives and homes from fire. Together, we are building healthy and safe communities across the Yukon.
The majority of home fires start in the kitchen. Cooking causes 49 percent of home fires, and 20 percent of home fire deaths.
Fire prevention is everyone’s responsibility. It’s the first, best fire protection tool we have.
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Julia Duchesne
Communications, Community Services