Minister Silver attends Pacific NorthWest Economic Region Annual Summit in Whistler, BC

Minister Sandy Silver and Government of Yukon representatives attended the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER) 2024 Annual Summit in Whistler, British Columbia.

During the Summit, Minister Silver, who continues to serve as one of two Canadian Vice Presidents for PNWER, was also elected President of PNWER Canada by its Board. PNWER Canada is the non-profit that serves as PNWER’s corporate presence in Canada and supports its Canadian programming. Minister Silver succeeds British Columbia MLA Rick Glumac and plans to continue his work to strengthen PNWER’s capacity on the Canadian side of the border.

Through this new leadership role for the Yukon in PNWER Canada, Minister Silver will bring attention to critical issues affecting the entire region, including Arctic security and development, climate resilience, infrastructure, and the global clean energy transition.

The theme of the Annual Summit was Advancing a Sustainable Regional Economy through Clean Energy and Innovation. This event provides a significant forum for cross-border collaboration. It brings legislators and private sector leaders together to discuss challenges and solutions that impact communities both in the United States and in Canada.

Participating in PNWER is not only an opportunity, it is also our responsibility to contribute our expertise towards initiatives that benefit the territories, provinces and states across the pacific northwest. The Yukon’s participation has allowed us to support an ongoing cross-border dialogue, and we continue to highlight issues important to Yukoners and the North.

Premier and Minister of Economic Development Ranj Pillai

This Annual Summit provides an opportunity to work with other Canadian and US jurisdictions and the private sector on issues important to the Pacific Northwest. I’m honoured to serve as the President of PNWER Canada. I hope to work with our partners to expand PNWER’s capacity on the Canadian side of the border, including by highlighting the Yukon’s priorities with regard to the Arctic, infrastructure, climate resiliency, and the need for northern and Indigenous participation in decision-making about the North.

Minister of Finance Sandy Silver

Quick facts
  • La RENOP est un organisme public-privé à but non lucratif créé en vertu d’une loi en 1991. Le Sommet annuel 2024 est le 33e depuis sa création.

  • La RENOP regroupe 5 États américains, à savoir l’Alaska, l’Idaho, le Montana, l’Oregon et Washington, ainsi que 3 provinces et 2 territoires canadiens, soit l’Alberta, la Colombie-Britannique, la Saskatchewan, le Yukon et les Territoires du Nord-Ouest. La RENOP regroupe également des représentants et représentantes du secteur privé.

  • Le Yukon est devenu membre de la RENOP en 1998. Il compte 2 représentants au conseil des délégués de l’organisme : le premier ministre Ranj Pillai et le ministre Sandy Silver.

  • La RENOP a pour objectif de réunir les dirigeants et dirigeantes des secteurs public et privé de part et d’autre de la frontière afin d’accroître la prospérité économique dans la région, de faciliter la coopération politique, de promouvoir la collaboration entre les secteurs public et privé et de porter les priorités régionales à l’attention des gouvernements fédéraux des États-Unis et du Canada.

Media contact

Jordan Owens
Cabinet Communications

Damian Topps
Communications, Economic Development

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