Statement from Premier Pillai on Discovery Day

Premier Ranj Pillai has issued the following statement:

“Each year, on the third Monday of August, we commemorate the discovery of gold at Bonanza Creek through Discovery Days. It is the moment that kicked off the Klondike Gold Rush and changed the region forever.

“We honour the historical significance and adventurous spirit of the thousands of would-be prospectors who sought out the riches of the land.

“In the spirit of reconciliation, it is crucial to present a more balanced and complete story of the Klondike Gold Rush. One that recognizes how Indigenous Peoples played a pivotal role in the events that occurred over 125 years ago.

“While for years American George Carmack was recognized for finding the gold, we now credit Tagish ancestor Shaaw Tláa – Kate Carmack – as being instrumental to the gold discovery and the person who pulled that first nugget out of Bonanza Creek.

“We acknowledge that the name Klondike is a colonial corruption of the word Tr’ondëk, the name of the First Nation Peoples living in the region.

“We must face history’s hard truths. All First Nations Peoples, who have lived on their traditional lands since time immemorial, were deeply impacted by the stampede of prospectors. During the Klondike Gold Rush, the first peoples of the region we now call the Yukon were displaced and marginalized. Their culture and traditional ways were disrupted and they were often exploited. We see these impacts continuing to reverberate today.

“As we look back at a major milestone in Yukon history, I encourage Yukoners to celebrate in a spirit of reconciliation. Let’s all adopt a more expansive view of the Klondike Gold Rush – one that includes Yukon First Nations Peoples’ stories and perspectives.

“To those participating in Dawson’s Discovery Days, please do so safely and responsibly.

“To all Yukoners, I wish you a safe and enjoyable Discovery Day.”

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

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