Twenty-two Yukon-based projects awarded $895,388 from the Community Development Fund

The Government of Yukon has awarded over $895,000 through the Community Development Fund to advance 22 initiatives across the territory. These projects are assessed and selected for funding based on how they will benefit Yukoners, contribute to communities and create economic opportunities.

This funding will support projects, events and initiatives that offer long-term, sustainable, cultural, social and economic benefits for Yukon communities. This includes the Faro Arts and Recreation Association, which will be using funds to establish and operate a youth-run coffee shop, and the Humane Society Yukon, which will be using funds to complete upgrades and renovations to the Mae Bachur animal shelter.

The following organizations are receiving Tier 1 or Tier 2 funding:

  • Carcross/Tagish First Nation To run an equine assisted therapy pilot project
  • City of Dawson – To complete the Crocus Bluff disc golf course
  • Climb Yukon Association – To help the Association open a financially sustainable community climbing gym
  • Faro Arts and Recreation Association – To purchase a concession trailer for a youth-run coffee shop
  • Friends of Mount Sima Society – Building a new disc golf course
  • Golden Age Society – To purchase items that will increase accessibility of the organization’s space
  • Grizzly Bear Protection Yukon Society – For a pilot project aimed at reducing human-bear encounters
  • Guild Hall Society – For upgrades to the Guild Hall facility
  • Hospice Yukon Society – To upgrade their Jarvis Street building to prevent seasonal flooding
  • Humane Society Yukon – To upgrade the Mae Bachur animal shelter in light of increased demand
  • Kwanlin Dün First Nation – To organize video and audio footage for future film development
  • Marsh Lake Community Society – To install benches on existing trail systems
  • Na-Cho Nyäk Dun Development Corporation – To hire a kitchen manager and further develop the Ihdzí’ Food Innovation Hub
  • Pine Ridge Neighbourhood Association – To build a storage shed and benches beside the community rink
  • Polarettes and Polar Tumblers Gymnastics Club – To hire a project manager to facilitate the transition to the new gym and climbing facility under construction in Whistle Bend
  • Queer Yukon Society – To create a dedicated queer gardening program in Watson Lake
  • Selkirk First Nation – To establish a summer carpentry training program in Pelly Crossing and build an Elders’ gazebo at the community park
  • Shäwthän Näzhì: Healing with the Land Society – To create an Elder-facilitated men’s circle that supports participants on their healing journey
  • Teegatha’Oh Zheh – To deliver a program that supports adults with intellectual disabilities in achieving greater independence
  • Whitehorse Concerts – To upgrade the organization’s marketing materials
  • Yukon Film Society – To complete a third-party business plan that supports the organization’s goal of transforming their theatre space into a cultural hub
  • Yukon First Nations Hockey Association – To support ice fee costs for the 2025 and 2026 Yukon Native Hockey Tournament

The next deadline to apply for the Community Development Fund is October 15 for Tier 1 projects and September 15 for Tier 2 projects.

Through the Community Development Fund, our government is continuing to support creative initiatives that build up our territory and provide long-term economic growth in Yukon communities. It is always exciting to see the ideas that associations and organizations propose to improve their communities, and to be able to support these ideas as they come to life. I’m so pleased that once again, the Community Development Fund is helping to fund a wide variety of projects and initiatives that will improve the lives of present and future generations of Yukoners.

Premier and Minister of Economic Development Ranj Pillai

The Kettle Cafe is more than just a coffee shop. It is a community gathering space that will provide employment and skill development opportunities for local youth. By being mobile, The Kettle Cafe will have the flexibility to cater to various locations and events within the community, as well as extend its services to neighbouring areas such as Ross River. This mobility allows us to reach a wider audience and provide a much-needed service to a larger population.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Community Development Fund for their support in turning this vision into a reality. We are excited to embark on this journey and serve our customers with passion, dedication, and a delicious cup of coffee.

Manager of Recreation and Culture for the Town of Faro Tina Freake

The renovations supported by the CDF funds are key to improving the care and safety of the animals, the staff and volunteers and setting the stage for a new era of interaction with our community. The project includes upgrades to the bath/grooming room, the animal viewing room and the janitor room and sets the beginning stage for the community and Mae Bachur to thrive in a modern era.

Board Director and Vice President Humane Society Yukon Colleen Wirth

Quick facts
  • Le financement versé fait suite aux demandes soumises au Fonds de développement communautaire en mai 2024 pour le volet 1 et en avril 2024 pour le volet 2.

  • Le Fonds de développement communautaire finance des projets, des activités et des initiatives qui génèrent des retombées culturelles et socioéconomiques durables pour les collectivités du Yukon.

  • Les sociétés à but non lucratif enregistrées, les organisations à but non lucratif, les organismes de bienfaisance, les administrations municipales, les gouvernements des Premières Nations et les sociétés de développement économique des Premières Nations qui entreprennent des initiatives à l’échelle locale comptent parmi les organisations admissibles.

  • Le Fonds se divise en 3 volets, assortis de différentes dates :

    • Volet 1 : Demandes de subvention de 20 000 $ ou moins (15 janvier, 15 mai, 15 juillet et 15 octobre)
    • Volet 2 : Demandes de subvention entre 20 001 $ et 75 000 $ (15 avril et 15 septembre)
    • Volet 3 : Demandes de subvention de plus de 75 000 $ (15 janvier)
  • Les organisations qui ont une idée visant à enrichir leur communauté peuvent rencontrer une personne-conseil qui les aidera à définir des objectifs ciblés, réalistes et créatifs.


The Community Development Fund has awarded $123,982 in Tier 1 funding towards nine projects that promote social, cultural and economic benefits to Yukoners.

City of Dawson – $15,550: To install new tee pads for nine holes on the Crocus Bluff disc golf course, completing the course. This project aims to increase use of the course by locals and to create a visitor destination to attract tourists.

Friends of Mount Sima Society – $20,000: To create a new disc golf course that will cover the entire Mount Sima facility. This project will provide a new course to support the rapidly-growing sport, promoting more activity among community members.

Golden Age Society – $1,832: To purchase an automated shoe cover dispenser with covers and a wireless microphone. This project aims to make a more useable space by increasing accessibility, ultimately allowing for more community involvement and engagement.

Grizzly Bear Protection Yukon Society – $15,732: To complete a pilot project in the Lobird neighbourhood with the intent of reducing human-bear encounters. This project includes the purchase of four commercial bear proof waste bins with retrofit lids. Bear activity will be monitored over two years and a study will be made available publicly at the end of the observation period.

Marsh Lake Community Society – $15,719: To install 10 benches on the trail system between Army Beach and South McClintock. This project aims to maintain the regular use of the trails throughout the entire year, contributing to the overall health of the population.

Polarettes and Polar Tumblers Gymnastics Club – $20,000: To hire a project manager to facilitate the transition to the new gym and climbing facility under construction in Whitehorse. This project supports the club’s goal to expand to host large-scale events and improve available services for the club’s many members.

Shäwthän Näzhì: Healing with the Land Society – $20,000: To create an Elder-facilitated men’s circle every two weeks for a total of 16 sessions. This program aims to increase participants’ feeling of belonging, connection to community, increase self-confidence and self-esteem and support individuals on their healing journeys.

Pine Ridge Neighbourhood Association – $8,775: To build a storage shed and benches beside the community rink. This project will increase accessibility to the rink by reducing barriers to access. The shed will also provide a central, secure space for the association’s sports equipment, promoting more activity among community members.

Whitehorse Concerts – $6,374: To update the organization’s website and branding materials to align with market trends. This project is one element of the organization’s larger audience plan to increase awareness about upcoming shows and events. This strategy aims to build new relationships and revitalize existing ones with local businesses and sponsors.


The Community Development Fund has awarded $771,406 in Tier 2 funding towards 13 projects that promote social, cultural and economic benefits to Yukoners.

Carcross/Tagish First Nation – $22,657: To run an equine assisted therapy pilot project. This project will offer 150 equine assisted therapy sessions to address addiction and co-occurring conditions within the community. These sessions will foster peer encouragement, create family bonds, support reconnection to culture and create healthy environments for recovery.

Climb Yukon Association – $71,958: To implement aspects of Climb Yukon Association’s business plan in order to launch a financially sustainable community climbing gym. This project is a crucial step towards opening the new facility, supporting the quickly growing sport of climbing in Whitehorse.

Faro Arts and Recreation Association – $75,000: To purchase a concession trailer to establish and operate a youth-run coffee shop. The trailer will be customized to be used as a mobile coffee shop. This project works to empower youth by providing them with valuable practical skills, job opportunities and business management experience.

Guild Hall Society – $69,873: To complete physical improvements as well as lighting and sound equipment upgrades at the Guild Hall facility. This project aims to expand the types of use in the building’s spaces and to better meet the needs of user groups and the local performance industry. 

Hospice Yukon Society – $54,196: To complete repairs to their Jarvis Street building to prevent damage from seasonal flooding. Since the organization operates their programming through this space, this project supports the continuance of Hospice Yukon’s crucial services.

Humane Society Yukon – $74,925: To complete upgrades and renovations to the existing Mae Bachur animal shelter. With an increase in demand, the design of the original building is no longer meeting needs. This project supports the society’s goal of working towards increased interaction, engagement and training opportunities with the community.

Kwanlin Dün First Nation – $67,500: To organize 75 hours of raw and unedited footage and 30 hours of audio recordings with the intent of preparing it for future film development. This project is one step towards the creation of a film documenting the First Nation’s rich heritage.

Na-Cho Nyäk Dun Development Corporation – $75,000: To complete a pilot project to further develop the Ihdzí’ Food Innovation Hub. This project will support hiring a kitchen manager to run engagement sessions, a food research event and a community showcase. The kitchen manager will also create a governance structure and related policies and protocols to create long-term sustainability of the hub.

Queer Yukon Society – $20,280: To build infrastructure to create a dedicated queer gardening program in Watson Lake. This project supports the creation of a larger and more central space specific to the organization. It works to enable more community members to participate in food cultivation, improving access to fresh produce and creating connections.

Selkirk First Nation – $70,603: To establish a summer carpentry training program in Pelly Crossing for local youth to learn new skills and build an Elders gazebo at the community park. This project works to engage youth to develop their self-esteem, self-confidence and self-awareness.

Teegatha’Oh Zheh – $62,825: To design and deliver a program to support adults with intellectual disabilities and their families in achieving greater independence and inclusion within Whitehorse. This project will create a blueprint for person-centred care that will be available for other organizations throughout the territory, improving the level of services offered.

Yukon Film Society – $35,483: To complete a third-party business plan and a structural assessment of their downtown space. These documents work towards the idea of transforming the theatre space into a downtown cultural hub.

Yukon First Nations Hockey Association – $71,106: To support ice fees costs for the 2025 and 2026 Yukon Native Hockey Tournament. This tournament provides significant economic benefits to the territory and is the largest Indigenous hockey tournament north of 60.

Media contact

Laura Seeley
Cabinet Communications

Damian Topps
Communications, Economic Development

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