Yukon First Nations Chiefs Committee on Health to guide implementation of Putting People First

This is a joint news release between the Government of Yukon and the Council of Yukon First Nations.

A Yukon First Nations Chiefs Committee on Health has been formed to provide direction and oversight regarding the transformation of the health and social system in the Yukon. This includes the implementation of the Putting People First report and the creation of Health and Wellness Yukon, a health authority for the territory.  

The newly formed Chiefs Committee on Health will help ensure Yukon First Nations are within the governance structure for health and social system transformation. It will help position Yukon First Nations to provide guidance and oversight, and help facilitate collaboration with the Yukon government.

The formation of the committee helps fulfil the need for Yukon First Nations to champion and lead health and social system transformation in the territory. It will support changes needed to improve patient-client responsiveness, experiences and outcomes, and create an equitable health system for all Yukoners.

The committee will also be instrumental in the advancement of recommendations from the Putting People First report, including important commitments related to integrating cultural safety into the health and social services system. Other recommendations include understanding and addressing Indigenous determinants of health, increasing access to Yukon First Nations cultural and land-based healing, and creating a health authority to deliver day-to-day health services.

The creation of the Chiefs Committee on Health formalizes the involvement of Yukon First Nations in strengthening our health and social services across the territory. Our work is focused on the establishment of Health and Wellness Yukon, a dedicated health authority for the territory. Recognizing the significance of Yukon First Nations leadership in this transformative work, our government remains committed to working in partnership to help foster culturally inclusive and responsive health and social services for all Yukoners.

Minister of Health and Social Services Tracy-Anne McPhee

Yukon First Nations are pleased to see the instatement of the Chiefs Committee on Health by Yukon First Nations Chiefs as part of the governance structure of the Putting People First report implementation. This allows Yukon First Nations   a leadership role in facilitating system change that Yukon First Nations have advocated on for many years.

CYFN Grand Chief Peter Johnston

The Chiefs Committee on Health provides Yukon First Nations with a high level of involvement and authority that will be key in guiding the successful implementation of Putting People First and healthcare transformation in the Yukon. Yukon First Nations Chiefs have long advocated for these changes and are pleased to see the formation of this committee come to fruition.

Chair of the Chiefs Committee on Health and Chief of Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Pauline Frost

Quick facts
  • Voici les membres du Comité des chefs sur la santé qui ont été nommés par les leaders des Premières Nations :

    • Pauline Frost, présidente du Comité et chef de la Première Nation des Gwitchin Vuntut
    • Barb Joe, chef des Premières Nations de Champagne et d’Aishihik
    • Darla-Jean Lindstrom, chef adjointe de la Première Nation de Carcross/Tagish
    • Tanya Silverfox, conseillère du clan du Loup de la Première Nation de Little Salmon/Carmacks
  • Le rapport La population d’abord a été publié par suite d’un examen indépendant du système de santé et de services sociaux du Yukon. Il propose la marche à suivre pour adapter ce système afin qu’il réponde mieux aux besoins de la population yukonnaise.

  • À l’heure actuelle, 70 % des 76 recommandations formulées dans le rapport ont été mises en œuvre ou sont en train de l’être.

  • L’une des recommandations centrales du rapport est de mettre sur pied une autorité sanitaire territoriale, Santé et mieux-être Yukon, pour assurer la prestation des soins de santé et des services sociaux courants.

  • Le rapport propose les bases pour construire un système de santé et de services sociaux intégré et efficace, centré sur la personne et sans racisme systémique, qui permette à la population d’avoir accès à une équipe de professionnels des soins primaires offrant des services de proximité respectueux de la culture, axés sur la prévention et faisant participer les gens et les communautés.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Claire Robson
Communications, Health and Social Services

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