Yukon territorial parks and other conservation areas

The Yukon has 8 territorial parks and 12 habitat protection or special management areas. Some of these areas are established and some are in the process of being designated protected areas.

Canada-Yukon Nature Agreement 

Currently, 21.1 per cent of the Yukon is protected under the Canadian Protected and Conserved Areas Database

The Canada-Yukon Nature Agreement took effect in April 2023. It is a 3-year agreement that invests $20.6 million to protect and conserve new areas of the Yukon. It also enhances efforts to monitor and protect species at risk.

The Canada-Yukon Nature Agreement is supporting:

  • protecting new areas of the Yukon and creating a pathway to protect 30 per cent of land and waters by 2030;
  • supporting Indigenous leadership in conservation;
  • working with Yukon First Nations to protect species at risk; and
  • increasing knowledge collection and data sharing between the governments of the Yukon, Canada and First Nations governments.

Learn more about the Canada-Yukon Nature Agreement

Yukon Parks Strategy

The Yukon Parks Strategy sets the long-term direction for the Yukon’s territorial parks system from 2020 to 2030. It will help ensure healthy land, healthy people and a healthy economy.

Major actions include:

  • extending the camping season from May 1 to September 30;
  • building a new campground near Whitehorse with up to 150 campsites;
  • co-developing a collaborative management framework with Yukon First Nations;
  • developing new trails in territorial parks;
  • increasing the number of accessible wilderness experiences at boat-in and hike-in campsites;
  • expanding park infrastructure;
  • testing a campground reservation system; and
  • developing a Parks System Plan.

Read the Yukon Parks Strategy.

Yukon territorial parks

Habitat Protection and Special Management areas

Other conservation areas in the Yukon

National parks

National wildlife areas

Canadian heritage rivers

Historic sites

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