Get licences and permits for outdoor recreation online

You can set up an Environment eServices account or use your existing account to:

  • get your hunting licence or fishing licence;
  • get your annual campground permit;
  • get online daily campground permits (expire after 21 days);
  • enter the Permit Hunt Authorization or special guide licence lotteries; or
  • update your contact and other personal information.

Once you've set up an account, you'll have what we call an Environment client ID. You'll need this to buy your licences and permits.

Get your licence or permit online

Environment client IDs

If you got a fishing or hunting licence or an annual campground permit in the last few years, you already have an Environment client ID. Use this number to log in to your account and see information on your past licences and permits, as well as apply for new ones.

How to find your client ID

The best way to find your client ID is to look at the top of your previous hunting licence, fishing licence or annual campground permit above your name. Check your email inbox for your last licence or permit.

You only have 1 Environment client ID. It does not change from year to year. Do not create a new account if you think you already have 1. Instead, email or phone 867-667-5652 to confirm your ID number.

Non-resident hunters

All hunters, regardless of residency, must get an Environment client ID to get a hunting licence and hunt in the Yukon.

Other ways to get licences and permits

You can also get licences or permits or apply for the Permit Hunt Authorization and special guide licence lotteries in person. Visit:

You cannot get these items over the phone.

Your privacy

All personal information associated with your Environment client ID is confidential and respected in accordance with the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Duration of licences and permits

Your licence or permit is valid as soon as you have access to the electronic PDF file. It will continue to be valid until the expiry date shown on the document.

Displaying licences and permits

You must be able to produce or display your document when required, such as when a conservation officer or park officer asks to see it.

You must carry your hunting or fishing licence with you when you're hunting or fishing. This can be a printed copy or an electronic copy on your phone.

When occupying a government campsite, you must display a printed resident annual campground permit in your vehicle if you have one. 

Lost licences and permits

If you lost the copy of a licence or permit that you printed previously, you can reprint the document from your email or your Environment client account free of charge.

Common queries

I created an account but did not get a confirmation email

Check your spam folder. Your email address may be attached to another family member’s account, or you may have entered it incorrectly. You may also already have an Environment client ID.

The site will not accept my phone number

Common issues when entering phone numbers that may prevent you from creating or accessing your account:

  • Not including the area code at the beginning of your phone number.
  • Putting a “1” in front of a long-distance number.
  • Including spaces or dashes in the number. Use 10 digits with no spaces, such as 8675555555.
  • The auto-fill in your browser using an unsupported format. Retype your phone number manually using 10 digits without spaces.

I'm logged in, but the site will not let me buy a resident big game hunting licence

To qualify for a resident big game hunting licence, you must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who's lived in the Yukon for at least 1 year before applying.

If you qualify as a Yukon resident and this is your first time getting a Yukon resident big game hunting licence, or if you did not have one last year, you need to:

  1. fill out a residency declaration; and
  2. submit it to or in person to a Department of Environment office.

After declaring your residency, you'll be able to get a Yukon resident big game hunting licence online.

I bought a licence and permit but did not receive an email

Sometimes there's a delay between purchasing a licence or permit and it appearing in your inbox. Check your spam folder.

You can also log in to your account and download and print your licence or permit through the online platform.

I got my hunting licence online, but I do not see a way to purchase seals

We do not sell big game seals online. Visit your nearest Department of Environment office or an authorized licence and permit vendor. If you buy seals from a vendor, you'll need to present your Yukon big game hunting licence. You can only buy seals for wood bison and elk exclusion area permits from Department of Environment offices.

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