Find out about tipping fees in rural communities

Introduction of fees

Tipping fees came into effect in the areas around Whitehorse on August 1, 2020.

All facilities will eventually have tipping fees. Everyone will pay a similar cost for the same service.


How much will fees cost?

Tipping fees will be based on fees at the Whitehorse dump. For example:

Household garbage $1 per bag
Bulky items, such as a desk or couch $10 per item
Large appliances without refrigerant, such as dishwashers, stoves, driers $15 per item
Large appliances with refrigerant, such as fridges, freezers or air conditioners $40 per item
Free store items, excluding clothing $1 per bag

Download the full list of tipping fee costs.

Find out about recommendations on solid waste management

We work with the Association of Yukon Communities and the City of Whitehorse to improve waste management and recycling in Yukon. To learn more, read the report from the Ministerial Committee on Solid Waste.

Find out more about the best practices in solid waste management for northern and remote communities.

Report illegal dumping

Phone the TIPP line 1-800-661-0525 if you see people dumping or polluting.

Fines for illegal dumping have increased. Find out more.

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