Learn about the Joint Education Action Plan for Yukon First Nations students

The Joint Education Action Plan (JEAP) 2014–24 is a 10-year agreement that resulted from a Tripartite Education Partnership agreement between:

  • Government of Yukon;
  • Government of Canada;
  • all 14 Yukon First Nations governments; and
  • the Council of Yukon First Nations.

The plan focuses on ways to improve educational outcomes for First Nations students in the Yukon.

The action plan initiatives include:

  • mandatory Yukon First Nations cultural awareness training for Department of Education staff, including those who work in schools;
  • mandatory completion of the First Nations 101 course at Yukon College as a condition of hire at the college and the Council of Yukon First Nations;
  • re-establishment of the First Nations Education Commission;
  • development and implementation of Cultural Inclusion Standards for all Kindergarten to Grade 12 schools;
  • more support for Yukon First Nations languages;
  • development of tools to support cultural inclusion in schools; and
  • development of protocols and policies for engaging with Yukon First Nations on key issues about education and matters that affect First Nations students.

For questions, phone: 867-456-6752, toll free in the Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 6752.

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