Peel land use plan court case

Our goal is to have a plan for the Peel that the Government of Yukon and First Nations will embrace.

About the Peel land use court case

The Peel land use planning court case is about interpreting how the land use planning process in Yukon is laid out in the Final Agreements.

Through the land use planning process the Government of Yukon, First Nations, the Yukon Land Use Planning Council, stakeholders and communities develop a blueprint to guide the future use and development of a particular area of land.

Defendant: Government of Yukon
Plaintiffs: First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun; Tr’ondek Hwech’in; Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation; Yukon Chapter – Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society; Yukon Conservation Society; Gill Cracknell; and Karen Baltgailis.

Status of the Peel land use court case

The Supreme Court of Canada issued a decision in the Peel land use case on December 1, 2017. Read the judgment.

Peel land use court case timeline


  • December 1. Supreme Court of Canada issued a decision on the Peel land use court case.
  • March 22. Supreme Court of Canada hearing in Ottawa.
  • January 19. The Government of Yukon filed its factum with the Supreme Court of Canada. See the Government of Yukon factum.




  • December 30. The Government of Yukon files a notice of appeal with the Yukon Court of Appeal.
  • December 2. The decision on the Supreme Court of Yukon hearings is delivered.
  • December 1. Dawson Regional Land Use Planning process is temporarily suspended.
  • October. An additional one-day hearing is held.
  • October 17. The Government of Yukon files an outline of further argument (remedies) in the Supreme Court of Yukon.
  • July. The Peel land use case is heard in the Supreme Court of Yukon.
  • July 2. The Government of Yukon files a reply to the written submission of the Gwich’in Tribal Council.
  • June 9. The Government of Yukon files its outline of argument with the Supreme Court of Yukon
  • April 24. The Government of Yukon files its amended statement of defence with the Supreme Court of Yukon.
  • February 18. The Government of Yukon files its statement of defence with the Supreme Court of Yukon.
  • January 24. The plaintiffs file a statement of claim against the Government of Yukon in the Supreme Court of Yukon.
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