Learn about the different roles in schools

To contact a:


Your child's classroom teacher is who you will communicate with the most.

Teachers are employed by the Government of Yukon. According to Section 168 of the Education Actthe job includes:

  • encouraging students to learn;
  • teaching the approved courses;
  • maintaining order and discipline;
  • supporting and encouraging student punctuality and regular attendance; and
  • reporting on student progress, behaviour and attendance to parents.

You will be invited at least once in the school year to formally meet with your child’s teacher. You can request a meeting with the teacher at any time.

Learning assistance teachers

Learning assistance (LAs) teachers are qualified teachers who specialize in providing support services to students who need extra help. LAs may work within classrooms or in other settings in the school. They may also supervise paraprofessionals who work in the school. LAs are often case managers for students with individualized learning plans.


Paraprofessionals such as educational assistants (EAs) and remedial tutors (RTs) help students with diverse and special educational needs. The type and amount of help vary according to the needs of the students. The needs are outlined in the various types of plans that are usually in place for students with special needs.

Paraprofessionals are assigned to schools before the beginning of the school year. They are assigned to specific students or classrooms within schools by the administration. This is based on the school’s needs. These assignments may change during the year.

Aboriginal languages teachers

As required by Section 52 of the Education Act, Aboriginal language teachers are employed by the Department of Education. They teach 7 Yukon First Nations languages in 20 Yukon schools.

Staff of Yukon First Nations

First Nations usually hire people to work in and with the schools, such as:

  • community education liaison coordinators (CELC);
  • education support workers (ESW);
  • education outreach coordinators; and
  • job titles given by the Yukon First Nations.

Duties of the staff of Yukon First Nations workers include:

  • supporting First Nations students;
  • work with the staff at the school; and 
  • help students, parents or guardians and school staff to achieve student success.

The CELCs may incorporate culture into students’ learning and keep students engaged outside the classroom by coordinating:

  • cultural activities;
  • promoting special opportunities;
  • providing information; and
  • may engage Elders.

Office staff

Every school has 1 or more school administrative assistants. They are usually your 1st point-of-contact when you:

  • phone a school;
  • visit a school; and
  • want to meet with a school administrator.

Substitutes for teachers

Substitutes for teachers take over the responsibilities of regular teachers when they are away. Substitute teachers:

  • follow the lesson plans; and
  • work under the supervision of school administrators.


In most schools, there is a principal and 1 or more vice-principals. We refer to these staff as administrators. According to Section 169 of the Education Act, the job includes:

  • supervising teachers, staff and volunteers according to policies and long-term goals;
  • managing school operations, property maintenance and budget; and
  • promoting involvement and good relations with parents and communities.

The classroom teacher is always the 1st point-of-contact when you have a question or concern about your child. But, you can request a meeting with a school administrator anytime.

School counsellors

School counsellors are specially trained teachers. They assist a student with their:

  • education;
  • course selection;
  • social and emotional development;
  • post-secondary education; and
  • career.

School counsellors are often involved in the preparation of learning plans for students with special educational needs.

School counsellors provide resources and referrals to community resources and agencies.

Consultants and specialists

Consultants and specialists help teachers deliver curriculum and support student learning. Consultants focus on particular grade levels or areas of the curriculum.

Specialists include:

  • school psychologists;
  • occupational therapists;
  • speech pathologists;
  • physiotherapists; and
  • others who help support students with special educational needs.


Superintendents are senior government employees with teaching qualifications. They act as directors of education for their schools.

They supervise and evaluate with the school councils:

  • schools;
  • administrators;
  • teachers; and
  • other staff.

They promote positive relations among students, parents and the community.

Assistant Deputy Ministers

The Department of Education has 3 Assistant Deputy Ministers who manage 3 branches:

  • Schools and Student Services;
  • Policy and Partnerships; and
  • First Nations Initiatives.

Deputy Minister

The Premier appoints the Deputy Minister to be responsible for the administration of the Department of Education.

Minister of Education

The Minister of Education is an elected member of the Legislative Assembly of Yukon. The Premier appoints the minister to preside over the Department of Education. They handle the administration of laws related to education such as the Education Actthe School Trespass Act and the Teaching Profession Act. A new Minister can be appointed at any time.

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