Housing and property

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
May 7, 2024

The Government of Yukon, in collaboration with the Council of Yukon First Nations, Yukon First Nations governments and transboundary Indigenous groups, is developing new public lands legislation.

Our vision is to create a modernized regime that:

June 24, 2022

The Government of Yukon and Kwanlin Dün First Nation are developing a local area plan for the Łu Zil Män (Fish Lake) area. A steering committee will help develop the plan.

The plan will address many land use issues, including:

November 19, 2020

The Government of Yukon is considering changes to the Residential Landlord and Tenant Act pertaining to mobile home tenancies and sought input from mobile home owners, tenants and park owners.

We wanted to know your input on two general issues: the ability of a park owner to evict mobile home owners without cause, and whether there should be controls on how the mobile home park owner can raise pad rents.

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