Your government

Your government

Your government
Displaying 1 - 10 of 25
October 17, 2023

Cannabis laws in the Yukon are set out in the Cannabis Control and Regulation Act (CCRA) and its regulations. The CCRA requires a review of the Act every five years. With the first five years of legalization behind us, a review was conducted and the “What we Heard” report will be made available by October 17, 2024. The report for the review will be tabled in the Legislative Assembly by October 17, 2024.

November 18, 2022

The purpose of this public engagement is to gather public feedback and explore the next steps to help the Government of Yukon continue improving access to French language services and information. We want to ensure that we prioritize the actions that will have the most impact on you and your family over the next two years.

August 31, 2022

The Association of Yukon Communities represents municipalities and local advisory councils in the Yukon. The Association unanimously passed a resolution at its 2022 Annual General Meeting in May. The resolution calls on the Government of Yukon to increase the current three-year term of office for municipal councils to four years prior to the October 2024 general elections. We want your feedback on extending the term of office from three to four years for:

August 25, 2022

We’re in the process of developing the Mineral Staking and Development Framework for mining in communities. The framework suggests approaches to:

  • prevent and resolve land use conflicts between mining operations and Yukon communities;
  • improve coordination between community land use planning and mineral regulatory processes; and
  • find ways for mining activities within Yukon communities to respect community values and interests.
March 29, 2022

The Government of Yukon is seeking input to help guide the development of a new suite of funding programs that meet the priorities and needs of the local agricultural sector and its stakeholders. The new funding programs will replace the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) program that is expiring in March 2023.

The feedback will help identify the Yukon’s agricultural priorities. This will help the Government of Yukon negotiate the funding agreement known as the Bilateral Agreement with the Government of Canada in winter 2022–23.

February 22, 2022

We’re creating a new Yukon Public Lands Act to replace the existing lands legislation. Our goal is to develop a modern Act that provides a cohesive approach to land management in the Yukon.

We’re interested in hearing how you use public land and how a new Act could support:

November 24, 2020

This conversation was about what success looks like and how we can best use the new federal funding we received to improve services in French.

Over the past few years, we have laid a solid foundation to improve French language services in Yukon.

We used a strategic framework to clarify where we needed to focus our efforts. This first framework was developed in collaboration with the Association franco-yukonnaise in 2013.

November 24, 2020

This engagement is seeking industry and public input into the programs, services and global innovation trends that would create a positive impact in Yukon.

November 23, 2020

The Pounds Act gives the Yukon government the ability to appoint a person to operate a pound in order to contain feral or stray animals. Consultation is complete and the new Act has been proclaimed.

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