Your government

Your government

Your government
Displaying 11 - 20 of 25
November 23, 2020

This engagement asks Yukoners how they get information, what Yukon government advertisements they remember seeing, and how they prefer to receive information from the government.  

November 20, 2020

There were three phases of public engagement on the legalization of cannabis.

Phase one

Phase one consisted of a public engagement survey, which was available online from August 10 to September 30, 2017. The results of the survey were released on November 9 in a document called What We Heard.

Phase two

The Government of Yukon released its Proposed Framework for Legalized Cannabis on November 20, 2017. Phase two of the engagement invited Yukoners to provide feedback on the proposed framework by December 20.

November 20, 2020

The Government of Yukon is facing financial challenges. Over the past ten years, revenue growth of 1.7 per cent a year has not kept pace with spending growth of 2.5 per cent a year. To support building a healthy financial future, the Yukon government assembled an independent Financial Advisory Panel to provide the government with options for future financial planning.

Starting Tuesday, September 12, these draft options will be shared with Yukoners. You are invited to participate in the discussion about the pros, cons, and considerations of pursuing the various options.

November 19, 2020

The Government of Yukon sought public input about the possibility of declaring National Aboriginal Day a statutory holiday in Yukon. The engagement took place from May 16 to July 16, 2017.

November 19, 2020

It's important that the government website works for you. This survey was intended to help us find out what information Yukoners need, as well as the tasks they expect to accomplish on a government website.

November 17, 2020

The Government of Yukon is updating legislation for pharmacists and rural permit holders (physicians who dispense drugs) to improve pharmacy services and standards. This is part of a larger legislative framework that governs the pharmacies and rural dispensaries where these professionals work.

From April 21 to July 21, 2017, the public was invited to provide feedback on the proposed:

November 13, 2020

We know we don’t always get public engagement right – but we want to take steps to improve. This initiative was about you telling us what a meaningful conversation and meaningful public engagement looks like to you.

What is public engagement?

It’s a process that links public input – like yours – into a decision using problem-solving or discussion between governments and the general public. It’s not a single event, but rather a journey that we hope will build trust and a stronger relationship between you and government.

November 13, 2020

The purpose of this pre-engagement was to learn how a public engagement process should be designed, so that members of the Yukon LGBTQ2S+ community and their allies feel safe and included. We also wanted to learn about the needs and priorities of LGBTQ2S+ Yukoners that could be discussed further during the public engagement process. By designing a safe and inclusive public engagement process, we can prioritize areas for improvement, so that government laws, programs, and services meet the social standards of non-discrimination.

November 13, 2020

The Government of Yukon wants to ensure we are meeting the rules and social standards for LGBTQ2S+ non-discrimination. To do so, we are conducting a review of legislation, policies and practices.

This long-term project includes updating legislation to be more inclusive of LGBTQ2S+ Yukoners.

In spring 2017, we made amendments to the Vital Statistics Act and Human Rights Act.

On March 6, 2018, we tabled a Gender Diversity and Related Amendments Bill to:

November 12, 2020

The Government of Yukon is creating a lobbyist registry to make lobbying activities more transparent to the public. We want to establish a mandatory, publicly accessible registry that is similar to what other jurisdictions in Canada have.

A lobbyist registry identifies who is lobbying the government and what issues they bring forward.

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