Learn about gender-affirming care health services

Policies B.13 and B.14 allow Yukoners to have gender-affirming health services through health insurance coverage. These policies were created in accordance with the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).

Covered health services include:

  • upper and lower body surgeries;
  • facial surgeries;
  • body contouring;
  • voice feminizing surgery;
  • hair removal; and
  • voice and communication training.

The coverage for surgeries must be pre-approved, unless it occurs in a public health care facility in the Yukon. For surgeries that must be pre-approved, application packages need to include:

  • a surgical readiness assessment, written by a qualified assessor; and
  • letter from a health care practitioner that requests coverage for gender-affirming surgery on behalf of the client.

How to apply

Talk with your health care provider in the Yukon. They must apply for you.



If you have questions, email physicianclaims@yukon.ca or phone 867-667-5209.

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