Find the CSA Instruments and Policies effective in Yukon for Category 1

Procedure and Related Matters [11–101 to 14–101]

11–102 Passport System [Multilateral Instrument]

MI 11–102 unofficial consolidation of Multilateral Instrument as of June 9, 2023

11–102 CP unofficial consolidation of Companion Policy as of June 9, 2023

Documents related to MI 11–102

Amendment to MI 11-102 effective June 9, 2023

Amendment to 11-102 CP effective June 9, 2023

Amendment to MI 11–102 effective January 3, 2019

Amendment to MI 11–102 effective February 1, 2017

Amendment to MI 11–102 effective June 23, 2016

Amendment to 11–102 CP effective June 23, 2016

Amendment to MI 11–102 effective May 9, 2016

Amendment to MI 11–102 effective December 8, 2015

Amendment to MI 11–102 effective May 5, 2015

Amendment to 11–102 CP effective May 5, 2015

Amendment to MI 11–102 effective January 11, 2015

Amendment to MI 11–102 effective on March 1, 2014

Amendment to MI 11–102 effective March 1, 2013

Amendment to MI 11–102 (Marketplace operations) effective July 1, 2012

Amendment to MI 11–102 effective April 20, 2012

Amendment to 11–102 CP effective April 20, 2012

Amendment to MI 11–102 (IFRS) effective January 1, 2011

Amendment to 11–102 CP (IFRS) effective January 1, 2011

Amendment to MI 11–102 (lr 55–501) effective April 30, 2010

Amendment to MI 11–102 effective April 30, 2010

Amendment to MI 11-102 effective March 31, 2010

Companion Policy 11–102 CP (consolidated to September 28, 2009)

Multilateral Instrument 11–102 initially effective on March 17, 2008

11-103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions [Multilateral Instrument]

Multilateral Instrument 11–103 Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions, initially effective on June 23, 2016

National Policies

11–201 Electronic Delivery of Documents [National Policy]

11–202 Process for Prospectus Reviews in Multiple Jurisdictions [National  Policy]

11–203 Process for Exemptive Relief Applications in Multiple Jurisdictions [National Policy]

11–204 Process for Registration in Multiple Jurisdictions [National Policy]

11–205 Process for Designation of Credit Rating Organizations in Multiple Jurisdictions [National Policy]

11–206 Process for Cease to be a Reporting Issuer Applications [National Policy]

11–207  Failure-to-file Cease Trade Orders and Revocations in Multiple Jurisdictions [National Policy]

12-202 Revocation of Certain Cease Trade Orders [National Policy]

12-203 Management Cease Trade Orders [National Policy]

13-101 System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR), [National Instrument] initially effective March 17, 2008 repealed by Ministerial Order 2023/19 effective June , 2023.

13–102 System Fees [Multilateral Instrument]

Multilateral Instrument 13-102 System Fees, Replacement Initially effective June 9, 2023 

Documents related to MI 13–102

Multilateral Instrument 13–102, System Fees for SEDAR and NRD, initially effective October 12, 2013:  Revoked effective June 9, 2023 by MI 13-102 System Fees

13-103 System for Electronic Data Analysis and Retrieval + (SEDAR+) [National Instrument]

National Instrument 13-103 System for Electronic Data Analysis and Retrieval + (SEDAR+), Initially Effective June 9, 2023

Documents Related to NI 13-103

Companion Policy 13-103 System for Electronic Data Analysis and Retrieval + (SEDAR+), Initially Effective June 9, 2023

14–101 Definitions [National Instrument]

NI 14–101 unofficial consolidation as of September 13, 2023

Documents Related to NI 14–101

Amendment to NI 14-101 effective September 13, 2023

Amendment to NI 14–101 effective February 1, 2017

Amendment to NI 14–101 effective January 1, 2011

Amendment to NI 14–101 effective April 30, 2010

National Instrument 14–101, Definitions, initially effective March 17, 2008

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