Find fees for partnership and business names




Filing certificate of limited partnership


Partnership and Business Names Act section 50(1)

Filing an amendment to a certificate of limited partnership


Partnership and Business Names Act section 69(2)

Filing an application for registration of a foreign limited partnership


Partnership and Business Names Act section 79(2)(b)

Filing the annual report of a limited partnership


Partnership and Business Names Act section 79.1

Filing a declaration of partnership


Partnership and Business Names Act section 80(1) and 81(1)

Verifying the list of partners of a professional partnership who are authorized to practise the profession in Yukon with the applicable governing body


Partnership and Business Names Act section 80(1)(h) and Regulation 5(2)

Filing a renewal of declaration of partnership


Partnership and Business Names Act section 81(2)

Filing a notice of change of information in a declaration of partnership


Partnership and Business Names Act section 82(1)

Filing a declaration of dissolution of partnership

No fee

Partnership and Business Names Act section 85

Filing a declaration of use of business name


Partnership and Business Names Act section 87(1)

Filing a notice of change of information in a declaration of business name


Partnership and Business Names Act section 87(1.2)

Filing a declaration of cessation of use of business name

No fee

Partnership and Business Names Act section 87(1.2)

For examining the records maintained by the registrar

Electronic search: $10

Paper file: $25

Partnership and Business Names Act section 89(1.1)

Obtaining a copy or extract of a document filed with the registrar (in addition to the search fee)

Paper file: $1 per page

Partnership and Business Names Act section 89(1.1)

Filing a renewal of declaration of use of business name


Partnership and Business Names Act section 87(5)

Filing an application for registration as an limited liability partnership (LLP), including issuance of confirmation of registration as an LLP


Partnership and Business Names Act sections 98(2)(d) and 100(c)

Filing a notice of change of information in the application for registration as an LLP


Partnership and Business Names Act section 105(1)

Filing a renewal of registration as an LLP


Partnership and Business Names Act section 106(2)

Cancelling the registration as an LLP

No fee

Partnership and Business Names Act section 110(1)(a)

How to pay

You can pay by:

  • cheque;
  • credit card;
  • cash; or
  • debit.


Provide a cheque in the appropriate amount made out to the Government of Yukon.

Credit card

We accept Visa, Master Card and American Express payment at the office. If you send your documents by fax, email or mail, provide a phone number where we can reach you. This is so you can give us your credit card information.

Cash or debit

You can only pay by cash or debit if you can pay in person at our office: 307 Black Street, 1st Floor.

Deliver your documents to us

You can drop off forms at our office or in our secure drop box in the lobby.

When you put your forms in our secure drop box, you can include:

  • cash;
  • cheque; or
  • a payment information form to contact you for credit card payments.

Submit your documents by mail, fax or email

Our offices are open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Phone: 867-667-5314, or toll free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5314

Fax: 867-393-6251



Government of Yukon
Corporate Affairs (C-6)
Box 2703,
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6



Our office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 307 Black Street, 1st floor in Whitehorse. For clients who prefer limited contact, a drop box is located in the main lobby.

Phone: 867-667-5314, or toll free in Yukon 1-800-661-0408, extension 5314

Fax: 867-393-6251


Government of Yukon
Corporate Affairs (C-6)
Box 2703,
Whitehorse, Yukon Y1A 2C6

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