Find the CSA Instruments and Policies effective in Yukon for Category 8

Mutual Funds [81-101 - 81-107]

81–101 Mutual Fund Prospectus Disclosure [National Instrument]

NI–81–101 unofficial consolidation of National Instrument as of January 6, 2022

81–101 CP unofficial consolidation of Companion Policy as of June 9, 2023

Form 81–101 F1 unofficial consolidation as of June 9, 2023

Form 81–101 F2 unofficial consolidation as of June 9, 2023

Form 81–101 F3 unofficial consolidation as of June 1, 2022

Documents related to NI 81–101

Amendment to NI 81-101 effective June 9, 2023

Amendment to 81-101 CP effective June 9, 2023

Amendement to NI 81-101 (1A) effective January 6, 2022

Amendement to 81-101 CP (1B) effective January 6, 2022

Amendement to NI 81-101 (2C) effective January 6, 2022

Amendement to 81-101 CP (2D) effective January 6, 2022

Amendement to NI 81-101 (4B) effective January 5, 2022

Amendement to NI 81-101 (8B) effective January 5, 2022

Amendment to NI 81-101 effective December 31, 2020

Amendment to 81-101 CP effective June 1, 2022

Amendment to NI 81–101 effective January 3, 2019

Amendment to NI 81–101 effective March 8, 2017

Amendment to 81–101 CP effective March 8, 2017

Amendment to NI 81–101 effective November 17, 2015

Amendment to NI 81–101 effective March 11, 2015

Amendment to 81–101 CP effective March 11, 2015

Amendment to NI 81–101 effective September 22, 2014

Amendment to NI 81–101 effective January 1, 2014

Amendment to 81–101 CP effective January 1, 2014

Amendment to NI 81–101 effective September 1, 2013

Amendment to 81–101 CP effective September 1, 2013

Amendment to NI 81–101 effective May 31, 2013

Amendment to NI 81–101 effective May 14, 2013

Amendment to 81–101 CP effective May 14, 2013

Amendment to NI 81–101 effective April 30, 2012

Amendment to NI 81–101 effective January 1, 2011

Amendment to 81–101 CP effective January 1, 2011

Amendment to NI 81–101 effective June 30, 2010

Companion Policy 81–101 CP effective March 17, 2008

National Instrument 81–101 Mutual Fund Prospectus Disclosure effective March 17, 2008

Form 81–101F1 Contents of Simplified Prospectus effective March 17, 2008

Form 81–101F2 Contents of Annual Information Form effective March 17, 2008

Form 81–101F3 Fund Facts effective January 1, 2011

81–102 Investment Funds (Formerly: Mutual Funds) [National Instrument]

NI 81–102 unofficial consolidation of National Instrument as of September 13, 2023

81–102 CP unofficial consolidation of Companion Policy as of June 9, 2023

Documents related to NI 81–102

Amendment to NI 81-102 effective August 31, 2024

Amendment to 81-102 CP effective August 31, 2024

Amendment to NI 81-102 effective September 13, 2023

Amendment to 81-102 CP effective June 9, 2023

Amendment to NI 81-102 (1C) effective January 6, 2022

Amendment to 81-102 CP (1D) effective January 6, 2022

Amendment to NI 81-102 (2E) effective January 6, 2022

Amendment to NI 81-102 (5A) effective January 5, 2022

Amendment to 81-102 CP (5B) effective January 5, 2022

Amendment to NI 81-102 (6A) effective January 5, 2022

Amendment to 81-102 CP (6B) effective January 5, 2022

Amendment to NI 81-102 (7A) effective January 5, 2022

Amendment to 81-102 CP (7B) effective January 5, 2022

Amendment to NI 81–102 effective January 3, 2019

Amendment to NI 81–102 (commentary) effective January 3, 2019

Amendment to 81–102 CP effective January 3, 2019

Amendment to NI 81–102 effective June 12, 2018

Amendment to 81–102 CP effective June 12, 2018

Amendment to NI 81–102 effective November 14, 2017

Amendment to NI 81–102 effective March 8, 2017

Amendment to NI 81–102 effective September 22, 2014

Amendment to 81–102 CP effective September 22, 2014

Amendment to NI 81–102 effective January 1, 2014

Amendment to NI 81–102 effective September 1, 2013

Amendment to NI 81–102 effective May 31, 2013

Amendment to 81–102 CP effective May 31, 2013

Amendment to NI 81–102 effective April 30, 2012

Amendment to 81–102 CP effective April 30, 2012

Amendment to NI 81–102 effective January 1, 2011

Amendment to 81–102 CP effective January 1, 2011

Companion Policy 81–102 CP effective March 17, 2008

National Instrument 81–102 Mutual Funds effective March 17, 2008

81–104 Alternative Mutual Funds [National Instrument]

NI 81–104 initially effective March 17, 2008, repealed by Ministerial Order 2024/01 January 29, 2024

81–105 Mutual Funds Sales Practices [National Instrument]

NI 81–105 unofficial consolidation as of June 1, 2022

81-105 Companion Policy unofficial consolidation as of  June 1, 2022

Documents related to NI 81–105

Amendment to NI 81-105 effective December 31, 2020 and June 1, 2022

Amendment to 81-105 CP effective June 1, 2022

Amendment to NI 81-105 effective June 1, 2022

Amendment to 81-105 CP effective June 1, 2022

Amendment to NI 81–105 effective September 22, 2014

Amendment to NI 81–105 effective September 28, 2009

Companion Policy 81–105 CP effective March 17, 2008

National Instrument 81–105 Mutual Funds Sales Practices effective March 17, 2008

81–106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure [National Instrument]

NI 81–106 unofficial consolidation of National Instrument as of January 6, 2022

81–106 Companion Policy unofficial consolidation as of June 9, 2023

Form 81–106F1 unofficial consolidation as of June 9, 2023

Documents related to NI 81–106

Amendment to NI 81-106 effective June 9, 2023

Amendment to 81-106 CP effective June 9, 2023

Amendment to NI 81-106 (1E) effective January 6, 2022

Amendment to 81-106 CP (1F) effective January 6, 2022

Amendment to NI 81-106 (2F) effective January 6, 2022

Amendment to 81-106 CP (2G) effective January 6, 2022

Amendment to NI 81-106 (3A) effective January 5, 2022

Amendment to 81-106 CP (3B) effective January 5, 2022

Amendment to NI 81-106 (5F) effective January 5, 2022

Amendment to NI 81–106 effective January 3, 2019

Amendment to NI 81–106 effective June 12, 2018

Amendment to NI 81–106 effective March 8, 2017

Amendment to 81–106 CP effective March 8, 2017

Amendment to NI 81–106 effective September 22, 2014

Amendment to 81–106 CP effective September 22, 2014

Amendment to NI 81–106 effective January 1, 2014

Amendment to 81–106 CP effective January 1, 2014

Amendment to NI 81–106 effective May 31, 2013

Amendment to NI 81–106 effective April 30, 2012

Amendment to NI 81–106 effective January 1, 2011

Amendment to 81–106 CP effective January 1, 2011

Companion Policy 81–106 CP effective March 17, 2008

National Instrument 81–106 Investment Fund Continuous Disclosure effective March 17, 2008

Form 81–106F1 Contents of Annual and Interim Management Report of Fund Performance

81–107 Independent Review Committee for Investment Funds [National Instrument]

NI 81–107 unofficial consolidation as of June 9, 2023

Documents related to NI 81–107

Amendment to NI 81-107 (commentary) effective June 9, 2023

Amendment to NI 81-107 (policy) effective June 9, 2023

Amendment to NI 81-107 (2H) effective January 6, 2022

Amendment to NI 81-107 (2I) (commentary) effective January 6, 2022

Amendment to NI 81-107 (5C) effective January 5, 2022

Amendment to NI 81-107 (5D) (commentary) effective January 5, 2022

Amendment to NI 81–107 effective January 3, 2019

Amendment to NI 81–107 (commentary) effective January 3, 2019

Amendment to NI 81–107 effective January 11, 2015

Amendment to NI 81–107 effective September 22, 2014

Amendment to commentary in NI 81–107 effective September 22, 2014

Amendment to NI 81–107 effective March 31, 2010

Amendment to NI 81–107 effective September 28, 2009

National Instrument 81–107 Independent Review Committee for Investment Funds effective March 17, 2008


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