Learn about local area planning in the Yukon

What are local area plans?

Local area plans guide development and land use in unincorporated Yukon communities. If done collaboratively with a First Nation government, these plans can also include First Nation Settlement Land.

Local area plans:

  • help define a community’s vision for the future;
  • provide guidelines and policies to minimize land use conflicts;
  • ensure future development and growth occurs in an orderly manner;
  • provide local residents with the opportunity to influence the decisions about land use; and
  • ensure broad public interests are taken into consideration.

How are local area plans developed?

A steering committee guides the development of local area plans. Local residents make up the steering committee. The Government of Yukon and affected First Nations each nominate an equal number of members to the committee.

The process typically takes about 2 years and includes public engagement.

We prioritize planning in areas where:

  • population growth and land development pressures are greatest, such as in the Whitehorse periphery;
  • no planning or development controls exist; and
  • planning is required by First Nation Self-Government Agreements.

How are local area plans implemented?

We implement the plans through area development regulations. These regulations are also known as zoning. The regulations divide the planning area into zones for specified land uses. Zoning can outline:

  • the number of residences on a lot;
  • secondary uses of the land;
  • minimum lot sizes;
  • setbacks from property lines; and
  • whether you can subdivide your lot.
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